
As promised, here is your Common Sense Security Blog.

I hope this place will become a common hangout for non-security folks who would like to protect themselves from crooks.  There is no 100% safety, but learning simple habits like authentication can help a lot. Those of you who heard my authentication talk or have been to my authentication workshops hopefully remember my motto, “Authentication each day keeps the fraudsters away.” Feel free to share your fraudster stories and ask questions. I will answer some quick questions here and will put in links for those of you who like facts, details and lots of information.
Dr. G has a Ph.D. in Computer Science and is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional. Your security friend has two passions: security and teaching. Dr. G worked for Secure Technologies Department at Lucent Technologies, taught Cryptography and Information Assurance at a top 50 American University and provided security testing for the Department of Defense. At present Dr. G teaches people with no security background simple techniques to help them protect themselves from crooks and fraudsters.

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